Launched in September 2021, the CEF Beirut is the first of its kind in the region and its main mission is to facilitate the professional integration of Lebanese students and support their first steps on the path to entrepreneurship.
An integrated and collaborative global platform will link all AUF CEFs around the world with each other and with the other AUF service areas, in order to enrich the face-to-face training offer through distance training and promote exchanges.
Why the CEF of Beirut?
- To respond to a real need expressed by students and the various stakeholders of member universities as well as the highest academic and political authorities during the Global Consultation conducted by the AUF in 2020;
- To enable Lebanon’s universities to provide their students with the services of a high-level employability center, designed to international standards, in support of existing mechanisms for professional integration ;
- To support student entrepreneurship
CEF service offer:
POLE 1: Counselling, information and tutoring employment
POLE 2: Additional training in transversal skills
POLE 3: Professional Certifications
POLE 4: Entrepreneurial pre-incubation
In this perspective, the CEF of Beirut is a mixing space where the academic world and the professional world rub shoulders. Among its main objectives is the interaction between young graduates and future recruiters, the university public and socio-professional forces: the labour market, civil society, NGOs, socio-educational backgrounds.
On the cef’s programme, events — round tables, debates, days on guidance, etc. — which will bring together different categories of actors concerned, and a wide range of different types of training, particularly in transversal skills, and certifications. It will also be a place of incubation of projects.
Opening hours:
monday to friday from 9am to 5pm
Centre d’Employabilité Francophone (CEF)
BDD 1280, Beirut Digital District, Bechara El Khoury – Beyrouth
Mobile phone: 00 961 81 356 326
To follow the activities and events of the CEF of Beirut see the Agenda section of the website